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Why Does Your Business Need Endpoint Security?

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Rollout Technologies Staff

• Updated

If you are running a small or mid-sized business, you are the target audience for cybercriminals. One loophole in your security system and everything is gone, just like that.

However, you can reduce this risk significantly by having robust endpoint security for your business. Having a fail-proof endpoint security for business means your data is secure and there are no loopholes in your security system.

But what is endpoint security?

In non-technical words, endpoint security is the process of securing the devices connected to your business network. These devices can include desktops, mobiles, laptops, and other IoT hardware. The purpose of practicing endpoint security on your business is to protect these devices and your business network from unauthorized access, cyber-attacks, and other form of threats, boosting the performance and reliability of your IT infrastructure.

In this article, you will read about the major challenges businesses face with their IT infrastructure and how endpoint security can solve these challenges effectively, if implemented correctly.

Challenges for Businesses

Securing your business is a challenging task. Especially in this tech-dominated era, if the endpoints of your business are not secured, managing your business and ensuring its data safety becomes too challenging.

Let’s take a look at some stats to understand this more clearly.

  • In 2023, more than 32% of businesses in the UK reported cyber attacks and breaches
  • In Canada, over 20% of companies get shut down for an extended period due to cyber-attacks and data breaches
  • As per a study from Accenture, 43% of cyber attacks happen on small businesses.


From these facts, the importance of ensuring your business security is clear.

But is that so easy?

Definitely not.

Let’s take a look at some of the common yet crucial challenges businesses face due to poor endpoint security protection.

Tracking of network-connected devices

In a growing business, the number of endpoint devices connected to the business network is increasing every day, both corporate-owned devices and personal devices of employees. Now, in order to secure their network and data, companies need to secure all these devices from the accessibility point of view.

However, ensuring complete security of all network-connected devices isn’t so easy for businesses. Sometimes, administrators aren’t able to implement appropriate access controls on corporate resources, leaving a loophole for the attackers.

As the number of connected devices grows, the necessity of endpoint security for business grows too.

Managing Security Risks of Remote Workforce

The shift towards remote working culture is undeniable. However, from the endpoint security point of view, it only makes things more complicated.

As soon as you onboard a remote working employee, several questions start coming to your mind. Is the work environment of your employees safe? Are they using work devices for their personal use too? What are they downloading? Is there wifi security updated or old and generic?

Remote work puts too much stress and workload on your network admins. At the same time, it gives a beam of light for the attackers too as they can now target your remote employee’s devices to get into your data.

Controlling Users’ Access

Giving unnecessary access to sensitive data to your employees can lead to huge security challenges. Sometimes, administrators aren’t able to monitor who’s got access to what company resources due to poor visibility into endpoint devices. This lack of monitoring leads to unnecessary activities performed by endpoints that should not be authorised to do so.

Your employees should only get access to resources they need to work on. Nothing else.

Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Another significant challenge businesses have to face regarding their endpoint security protection is maintaining regulatory compliance.

As a business, you must keep updating your compliance strategies as per ever-changing laws and regulations. Understanding different laws, their goals, and basic standards helps you prepare your endpoint security strategy accordingly.

Managing Patches and Updates

In order to ensure complete security of the endpoints in your business, regular updates and patches are necessary to prevent device infection or malfunctioning. However, the sudden increase in network-connected devices has made it difficult.

Today, patching has become much more complicated than it was a few years ago. Earlier, patching simply meant pushing updates to your laptops and mobile devices connected to your business network. But now, you’d need to study a lot before actually doing so.

Managing patches and updates on endpoint devices has also become complicated due to remote and hybrid work models. Sometimes, users aren’t even directly connected to the business network they work for. This makes it quite difficult for administrators to locate and secure such devices, complicating endpoint security for business.

Why is Endpoint Security Important?

You have already understood the huge security challenges businesses face due to poor endpoint protection in the previous section.

Here are 5 more reasons that speak loudly about the importance of endpoint security for business.

1.Cyberattacks are Unexpected

The moment you are most confident about your business operations might be the moment your business is under a cyber attack. And no security tools are going to work then.

The only thing that can protect your business from uncertain cyber attacks is robust endpoint security protection.

2.BYOD (Bring your own device) Policies can be Risky

In the previous section, we’ve seen how BYOD policies can complicate the security of your endpoints. In order to operate your BYOD policies safely, you must strengthen your security measures.

And how would I do that? You’d ask.

By installing endpoint protection software on your employee’s devices and putting a solid endpoint security strategy in place.

3.Attacks do not Consider the Size of the Business

No business is immune from cyber attacks. Whether you are a small or mid-sized business trying to put your foot to the ground or are a large enterprise dealing with tons of clients, endpoint security is important.

Even non-profit organizations aren’t safe from data theft. How can you?

4.It is Only About That One Loophole

Cyber attackers do not need huge security gaps to attack your business. It’s just about that one loophole.

For example, one of your employees uses the same computer for work and personal purposes. Now suppose he visits an infected website, intentionally or unintentionally. The moment he enters that website, attackers start pushing the security walls of their computer and get into it. And if they get into that computer, they indirectly get into your system too.

That is why endpoint security for business becomes a must for every business.

5.A Data Privacy Violation can Bankrupt the Business

In 2023, Facebook’s parent company, Meta was fined a huge sum of 1.2 billion euros for violating GDPR international transfer guidelines.

And that’s just one company to name. Many well-reputed companies have to pay handsome fines for data and privacy-related concerns almost every year.

They survive because they are the ‘big’ companies.

But you might not be one of them.

And something like this may cost your business everything. However, by having a robust endpoint security solution in place, you can avoid this.

How can Rollout Technologies Help?

Endpoint security works as a shield to protect the devices connected to your business network from multiple threats and enhance your productivity, reliability, and overall brand value. By implementing endpoint security practices to your business, you can reshape your business into a more powerful, credible, and promising one.’

However, implementing high-quality endpoint security practices requires a lot of IT understanding and tech experience. And that’s where we come ahead.

We, at Rollout Technologies, have been one of the best endpoint security providers in Edmonton, Canada for the past 5 years. While implementing the best endpoint security practices to secure your business from attacks and breaches, we focus on ensuring the complete safety of your data.

Getting your business secured with us is quite easy. With an easy-to-follow 6-step process, you can be confident about your business security.

Here’s how we offer the best endpoint security protection for your business.

  • Step 1. Gather your business requirements
  • Step 2. Create a unique solution design
  • Step 3. Lay out a comprehensive implementation plan
  • Step 4. Deploy and configure specified endpoint products to your business premise
  • Step 5. Monitor security threats continuously using the best tools and practices
  • Step 6. Carry out constant security audits to make sure your business remains secured like a fort.

Securing your business is the first step to growing your business to new heights. Do it now!

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