Cloud Based Route Planner for Sales Reps

Learn how we developed and delivered a unique SaaS software product for our New Zealand-based client that helped them manage and solve leads and fix the Travelling Salesman Problem for outside sales.

Web Platform and Mobile App
Lead management is one of the core processes every business/organization must focus on. But executing this complex task isn’t very easy. With more than 1000 leads to complete within a tight deadline, the sales reps of mid to big firms find it very difficult and hasty to plan a quick sales itinerary.
Knowing this small-looking yet crucial problem, our client, a New Zealand-based B2B company, got the idea of developing a SaaS product that could help mid and big firms solve the route optimization problem for their sales reps, saving time, cost, and effort.
The core goal of the development process was to design an accurate product that could give an optimized shortest route for given set of longitudes and latitudes (usually 100s) while solving other lead management issues as well.
Business Challenges
Being a B2B company, the client had some info about the technical aspects of the product development but did not have clarity about how the development process would take place.
The primary challenge the client was facing was how to get the development phase started. Having the idea to develop a sales route planner software for big firms, the client did know the technical aspect of the development process i.e. prototyping, choosing development tools, and so on. However, they struggled to choose a starting point for the project.
They were unclear about how to develop a tool that could actually evaluate and give an accurately optimized shortest distance for given set of latitude and longitudes. The traveling salesman problem needs a very complex and accurate calculation to determine what will be the shortest route following which a person can visit multiple locations in a given time period without coming to the same location twice.
It required deep theory reading of calculations and algorithms along with thorough research and tests in order to understand and develop a product that worked on the same principle, which was not an easy task.
The Solution
In order to create a fully functional, accurate, and secure route generator tool, we needed to first understand how it should work. For this, we followed a project-centric approach and gathered as much information about the TSP as possible, which involved very close collaboration with the client.
By selecting the appropriate tech stack needed for the project, we architected the software with security and accuracy as our top priority. Lastly, we implemented several key features to the tool and created a robust, efficient, and accurate sales route generator for our client.

Rollout Technologies adopted a project-centric approach to tackle the situation and develop a robust, accurate, and efficient sales route planner for our New Zealand-based client. We executed multiple regular meetings with the client and maintained a close collaboration to first understand their creative idea, future goals and expectations.
We executed multiple research sessions and tests and studied the whole theory of the travelling salesman problem as thoroughly as possible to get a fair idea of how to kick-start the project development process and develop an accurate and efficient route planner ultimately.
Based on our studies and analysis, we finally prepared a blueprint for the development process that included a step-by-step breakdown of the actions to be taken, aka the agile development process. This gave us better precision on task completion and reduced mistakes percentage as well.
Lastly, we selected the appropriate development tools, programming languages, and the rest of the tech stack (React Native, Laravel) for the development process and started the project. Throughout the whole development process, our primary goal was to make the software as accurate and efficient as possible, so that the end customers can leverage it at its full potential.

Robust Route Optimization Algorithm
We first tested multiple algorithms one by one and finally came up with one accurate algorithm which can optimize routes for a given number of way points and then installed it on a secure, scalable server. We wanted to keep this algorithm as modular as possible and hence decided to leave it with just the responsibility of optimizing routes. We did not integrate any business logic in it. Now, in order to access the algorithm with real life data, we integrated an API to it using Java Spring Boot.
This whole selection and integration process enabled the system to work with real life data, i.e. sales reps data.
Algorithm Interface Through API
We developed and integrated an API with the algorithm to communicate with the system and get it working with real life data. Our goal was to access the algorithm and return an ordered/optimized list of way points.
To ensure this, the system would receive the unorganized data and pass it to the algorithm, which after generating the results would pass it back. The system would now format the response in such a way that each optimized way point can be mapped with the unoptimized way point given in response, ensuring total accuracy.
We developed the API to be private and be only accessed by a secure server and Admin portal. We also hosted the algorithm and the API on the same scalable server with load balancer that ensured optimal performance of one even when its use increases.
Lastly, we also designed the tool to notify the origin system once the sales route lists are generated, eliminating waiting time and delays.
Secure Web Portal
We designed the secure web portal for the targeted customers, i.e. mid and big firms with loads of lead data. By accessing this portal, they can import different leads, create sales routes, and then assign them to different sales reps based on way points.
Secure Admin Portal
The secure Admin portal gave the person in charge a complete overview of the system including ongoing route generation tasks, subscriptions, efficiency, and performance.
Cross-platform Mobile App
Our developed cross-platform mobile app was for the end customer, i.e. the sales reps of companies as they are on their journey. We completed the app development using React Native and established communication with Laravel API.
An efficient sales route generation algorithm that can generate accurate route lists for hundreds of leads at once.
Bulk Lead Import
Allows the user to import lead data in bulk including address, contact info, company info, etc.
Efficient Data Import
Integration with third-party tools like Salesforce and Pipedrive ensured efficient data import
Clear Route Planning
Daily, weekly, or even monthly route plans on the mobile app and web portal for sales reps, ensuring seamless and mistake-free route planning.
Mobile-based Quick Lead Update
Sales reps can update lead info as soon as they complete their visit, from anytime anywhere.
Role-based Access
The secure web portal allows firms to assign appropriate tasks to appropriate members of the organization, reducing trespassing and strengthening the company’s data security.

The Result
Happy Client!

By carrying out such a complex end-to-end software development project successfully, we were able to gain the client’s satisfaction and trust.
By maintaining a very close collaboration with the client, we developed a fully functional, efficient, and accurate sales route planner that was able to generate optimized route lists for the big firms, fulfilling the client’s goal. Our New Zealand-based client now offers the tool as a subscription-based service to its clients and hopes to grow positively in the market.
Technologies we used
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